Tuesday, 7 January 2014

FMS Photo A Day Week 1

One of my new year resolutions (not that I really make them) is to make a concerted effort to participate  in the FMS Photo a Day challenge. This is a challenge to take a photo every day for a month, based on the prompt for the day.

Apparently it takes 21 days to make something a habit, so here we are with the 1st 7 photos. Let's see how we go staying on track! Hopefully another way of me sharing our day to day life here in Ottawa.

Here we go!

1/365: Lunch

Being at home for lunch everyday means I make my lunch every day.
I love home made rice paper rolls.

2/365: Begins with G

Growing up.

I look at my girls, and cannot believe how fast time is flying by. Who knew this was the age they would both want to start doing 'homework' after school.

3/365: My town

Is cold and oh so beautiful after a snowfall.

4/365: Words to live by

I wish this for you as much as I wish this for me and my family.

There has been so much more joy and laughter in my living since meeting my Husband and having my children.

They bring a wealth of joy and laughter to my life.

5/365: Found

A photo taken when we first moved into our new neighbouhood.

We have been blessed by the wonderful friends we 'found' at the playground.

6/365: Happens everyday

Every school day involves loading the girls into the Chariot and walking them along the sidewalk, past the banks of snow, to get to school and home again.

7/365: Upside Down

A white christmas was very upside down for this antipodean family and we loved it.

Jen x


  1. Love your photos. I have also been playing along for many months - on the FMS Facebook page. I hope you enjoy it! x
    Kim Tighe

    1. Thanks Kim,
      I doubt I will reach your skills - you are a wonderful photographer and I have enjoyed seeing your photo's when you post them - they have inspired me to play along :) I think I need to invest in a camera not just use my iPhone

  2. Lovely Jen. Stay warm.

    1. Thanks Michelle! We are staying warm - very warm inside our house :)
      Love seeing your houseboat pictures - looks like NZ is agreeing with you :)

  3. Great to hear you have been inspired - it is lots of fun! SLR cameras are great but iPhones and cheaper/lighter cameras are also really good for taking good shots.
    Have fun! xx
